Our vision on the power of networking organizations

Connectivity is one of the most important assets in our lives. We want to stay up to date about our personal environment and the latest business developments. Potentially, all input from your network can lead to opportunities and in order to maximize the output of your networks we believe in the development of network organizations. To deeply understand the power of networking organizations it is necessary to understand the theory about organization structures and the development of organizations.


Classic Hierarchy

The most common organization structure is of course the hierarchical organization structure with a clear chain of command. Based on military organizations, great to maintain the status quo, but limited space for entrepreneurial behavior.


Transition to a flatter organisation

To become more efficient organizations started to develop into flatter organization structures, with more focus on challenging the status quo with decentralization of the decision-making process and freedom to speak up for employees.

Network Organization

Network organizations

The complete opposite of a classic hierarchy is a matrix organization. In this open and (preferably) boss-less organization, it is all about self-management. Ad-hoc teams can be created to execute improvements in a high pace.

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Networking organizations

All organization types have downsides. A company with a great innovation office, does not automatically have a brilliant marketing team. Our solution: become a networking organization, use each other’s strengths and make the difference.

The only organization capable of unprejudiced growth, or unguided learning, is a network. All othertopologies limit what can happen
— Kevin Kelly, Co-founder Wired Magazine